Tag Archives: writers

10 Gift Ideas For Writers

giftby Catherine L. Tully

Well, the holidays are right around the corner–so I thought I would do a “gift ideas” post for writers. Most of us are friends with other writers, so it goes without saying that we not only would like to get some of these, but can give a few as well. Please share if you have others!

Here are my ten suggestions:

1. Stephen King’s book, On Writing. It’s terrific.

2. A gift card for a nice meal out…. Continue reading 10 Gift Ideas For Writers

Using Twitter With Purpose

twitter for writers

by Catherine L. Tully

Do you just get on Twitter and tweet away about whatever comes to mind? If so, you aren’t taking full advantage of the power of this social networking tool. Writers need to be thinking about how they are marketing themselves and their services when they post.

To that end, I’d like to point out a Twitter Guide that breaks a lot of the information out there down in a very palatable way. Mashable divides things up into three common sense categories… Continue reading Using Twitter With Purpose

Quips and Tips For Successful Writers

laurie pawlik-kienlenby Catherine L. Tully

I just wanted to pass along this resource for writers because I find it interesting. Quips and Tips for Successful Writers is a blog that has some terrific information, and it is presented well. Author Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen has such a great tone and she offers useful tips for both new and established writers on her site.

If you get a minute to check it out, I think you will enjoy….

Writers And Calories

writers and caloriesby Catherine L. Tully

Being a writer means you sit a lot. Sitting a lot means you can’t eat a lot. If you do, you’ll gain weight. It’s just the way it goes. Contrary to popular belief, calories in and calories out are the two main things to think about when you battle the pounds that want to creep up on your writer’s body. The good news? You can fight it. The bad news? It takes some work. Here are a few suggestions for you that can help:

+ Don’t use up calories on beverages. Drink water, sparkling water, coffee, tea (no sugar) or something like that. Pop and juice add big time calories.

+ Keep low-cal snacks handy. Don’t buy junk food–you’ll eat it. Instead, get things such as fruit, veggies and low-fat yogurt to snack on. String cheese isn’t bad either. And don’t snack mindlessly. It’s easy to put away a lot of food if you are just eating while writing. If you’re going to snack, stop writing, eat, then go back to it. Continue reading Writers And Calories

Writers: Time Is Money

timeby Catherine L. Tully

After reading Yo’s post today on how to manage money, I realized something. Many of the things that we talk about on blogs are things we see writers doing wrong. Sometimes they are mistakes we have made ourselves, but more often than not, posts relate directly to actions we see writers taking (or not taking) that can hurt their career. The one I see most often is… Continue reading Writers: Time Is Money