Tag Archives: signature block

Get Web Savvy


As a writer you simply need to have a basic knowledge of the web these days. If you aren’t savvy, it can really be a disadvantage, and you need every edge you can get in order to stay afloat in this field. Take a look here to learn more about things such as different web browsers, creating a signature block for your e-mail correspondence and “netiquette”. There is a lot of good information here for those who feel a little bit behind the curve.

Business Cards For The Writer? Yea Or Nay?

Should you invest in business cards? Well, the short answer is yes. It can’t hurt and it is always a good idea to market yourself as much as possible. Anyone will tell you that. But the real answer?

Nope. Not until you have some cash and you need write-offs.

Now, I’ll tell you this. I do use business cards–sometimes. But they haven’t really been all that useful for me. And I would not tell a newbie writer to go and get some. Not worth the cash when your gigs are few and far between. I will tell you that it is a good idea to do a “business card” type thing as a signature in every single e-mail you send to anyone–ever. I’ve gotten jobs that way. It is worth the time. Get a signature block (you can set it up so it adds to your e-mail in Outlook; as for other programs, I’m not sure….anyone?) that you like and use it. At the minimum, include the following:

  1. Name (first and last)
  2. Address (with zip and everything)
  3. Website (if you have one)
  4. Telephone number
  5. Contact e-mail

Don’t get cute. Skip quotes, crazy colors, fonts and such. Be professional and simple. It works.

And as for buying business cards–you’ll know when you need the write-off. Until then, the sig block works just fine!