Tag Archives: catherine l. tully

Social Media For Writers Blog

Twitter for writingby Catherine L. Tully

Well, well…look what I found today! A blog that is dedicated to social media for writers! It looks fairly new, but has some info on Twitter and Facebook thus far, and it says that LinkedIn is coming soon…

What I’ve seen so far–I like. Keep an eye on this one–it could really be a great resource.

Tips For WordPress Users

wordpresstipsby Catherine L. Tully

Do you blog on a WordPress platform? If so, stay up to date on all the latest tips and tricks by checking out Lorelle on WordPress. Here you can find everything from information on plugins to where WordPress meet ups are being held around the world. Get the skinny on this site and improve your blog today. I learned a thing or two browsing the pages, that’s for sure!

Tips For Creating A Good Blog


by Catherine L. Tully

Although people have many differing opinions on what makes a good blog, there are some core principles that are agreed upon. I’ve gathered some of the better posts I’ve seen on this subject and am sharing them here with you today…let me know what you think!

43 Folders gives 9 thoughts on what makes a good blog, including “good blogs try”.

Problogger shares ten tips for blog writing, such as “250 words is enough,” which I like immensely.

Chris Brogan provides 23 Essential Elements of Sharable Blog Posts, like “Posts that gather resources into one place are very often heavily bookmarked.”

Your Writing Journey

Freelance roadby Catherine L. Tully

If you asked me in 2002 what my “writing life” would look like today there is no way that I could have told you. Simply put, I had no idea what was ahead of me on this road. The twists and turns along the way have proven impossible to have seen ahead of time.

I never thought my travel writing would be published in a book. I never dreamed that I would be an editor on an award-winning blog, or that having an article in a magazine at Borders would become something I would get used to. There is much to be thankful for. That said–there is more ahead, and I don’t know where this road is going…but that is half the fun.

I have exceeded my wildest dreams already in this writing career of mine, and hopefully I will continue to do so. I’d love to hear your story…how does your journey differ from what you thought it would be like? Are you happy with where you are right now, or looking ahead to that next turn in the road? Do tell…