Setting Your Freelance Rates

by Catherine L. Tully




How do you negotiate rates? This can be a very tricky question for the writer. I’ll tell you what I usually do…I ask them for the range that they typically would pay for a given project. The key to doing this is to anticipate the discussion about money and be ready to come back quickly. Example? Sure:

Client: So what do you think you would charge for a project like this?

Writer: Well, it’s hard to say…do you have a budget that you would like to stay within?


Writer: Can you give me an idea of what you would typically pay?

More often than not a potential client will tell you. If not, you can go from there, but I can’t tell you how many times I would have guessed lower than the number the client gave me. It pays to put it back in their lap when you can.

A rate sheet can also help. Decide ahead of time what you think your time is worth and charge by the hour, page or project. Include any re-writes in the sheet, or clients may assume that this is included. That way, when you have the discussion about money, you are ready with some numbers.

It can be a delicate process to negotiate freelance rates, but having a plan in place will help make sure that you aren’t working for peanuts. Try to think this one through ahead of time.

Any other suggestions are most welcome…