Stepping Stones: Cold Calls Pay Off

Joe and I talk about this all the time…we are simply amazed at how well cold calling works as a writer. I’ve gotten many jobs this way, but I tell you–it isn’t easy. You have to do your homework and research the potential market, approach them well and present yourself as a real pro. Here are some good tips on how to do just that:

  • First and foremost, take a look at your strengths and put together a brief bio that highlights them.
  • Then, go on the hunt. Look at your dentist’s office, your grocery store, your free papers–anything written.
  • Actually take the time to read through their publication. Don’t skip this step!
  • Get contact info for them and try to target that well. Don’t just dash off an e-mail. Find out who to send an inquiry to. Read that again. So many people skip that step and waste precious time. If you get the wrong person–chances are you won’t get any work.
  • Keep your inquiry brief. Express interest. Include your bio and a few publication creds if you have them. If you read their publication or belong to their organization, be sure and mention it briefly.
  • Make sure you include all your contact information. You don’t know how the editor prefers to get in touch, but you’ll want to make it easy on them. Addy, phone and e-mail. If you have a website, include the URL as well. Sell, sell, sell.
  • Follow up. Seriously. So many times my sheer tenacity has helped me to get a gig. Don’t assume that if you haven’t heard from them that they aren’t interested. Do assume you aren’t their priority (how true–ouch!) and give them that chance to make contact with you.
  • Keep it up. You won’t get a bite for everything, but if you keep swinging, you will connect.

Good luck!

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