Tag Archives: elanor roosevelt

Get Those Queries Out There!


“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.”   -Elanor Roosevelt

A big part of freelance writing is overcoming fear. Fear that you will be rejected. Fear that your writing may not be “good enough”. Fear that you won’t make any money. I could go on and on…

I’m sure you have your own version of that list. Every freelancer does. The key is to not let that list begin to control what you are doing with your freelance writing career. I love this quote by Elanor Roosevelt, because it encapsulates the idea of moving forward–beyond those things that intimidate or scare you. A writing forum that I frequent (Absolute Write) has a recurring thread in their ‘freelance’ section called Just Hit Send. This is what I’m talking about. Moving past the fear of sending things out and what may or may not happen afterwards.

So resolve to do something about that this week. Dust off a query you’ve been thinking about sending and get it out there. Polish an idea that has been floating around in your head and find a market to query. Do that thing that you think you cannot do….

You just might surprise yourself!