What Would You Celebrate?


As a writer–what would you celebrate? An acceptance? Being published in a glossy mag on the stands at Borders? What do you think would make you feel like you had “made it”? For me, it was my first article at over a dollar a word. I got that paycheck and it was more than I had ever made for one article in my entire career. I almost didn’t want to cash it.


I’m asking this because I’m curious, and because I wanted to point out that there are many milestones along the way on the journey as a professional writer. Your first credit. Your first compliment. The first time someone else asks you for advice. These things help mark your progress, and they feel really, really good. After a while, you start thinking about what else you would like to accomplish…setting goals boldly…hoping that you can achieve them.

And many times–you do.

I’m lucky because I have Joe to tell. He shares my excitement and my triumphs. We both “get it” because we are both in the writing game. It’s fun to celebrate with someone who knows how hard this career field is. So go ahead. Share your latest accomplishment. We’ll celebrate with you!