iPhone Update


I’ve had my iPhone for a while now and thought I’d ring in on how it is working for me thus far in the freelance writing arena. Here’s a list of the good and the bad:

The Good:

  • The calendar is included for no charge and I keep all my appointments on it. Great for staying organized.
  • The calculator comes with as well–great for figuring rates on the go.
  • The weather feature comes in very handy if you travel. You can program other cities to keep an eye on the weather there before you go. A great help when packing.
  • Google Earth is terrific for finding appointments quickly and easily.
  • The alarm is great–I no longer use an alarm clock.
  • All the “apps” give you plenty to choose from to customize your phone. There many that are free. I downloaded a mileage program to help me keep track of business miles for the car–terrific!
  • E-mail on the go. This is the best thing in the world for any writer.

The Bad:

  • My main disappointment with the iPhone is the call quality. Sometimes I’ll be in the middle of an interview and start to lose the person for no partiuclar reason. This is not a good thing. From what I understand, many people don’t care for AT & T’s coverage. I have to concur. I’ve had better.

I’ll post again on this after a while to update you on any cool features you might want to know about. In the meantime–if you have a phone that works great for you–feel free to clue us in!