Tag Archives: technical writing

Harry Miller’s Technical Writing Blog

msdn-blog1.jpgHarry Miller’s blog does what I think all writing blogs (including ours) should do–a podcast. Actually, this site seems to be “all podcasts all the time”, relying on them more heavily than print pieces. I am a big believer in the podcast format for many reasons–when they are done right, they are engaging visitor magnets that add a lot of value to a website or blog.

Miller’s podcast is fully produced, with intro music, interviews, and commentary. He does quite a professional presentation and is definitely doing it right, at least for my money. If you want to learn more about the business of technical writing, Harry Miller’s site is worth the time investment. The sad thing about this site is that it hasn’t been updated since August of 2007–a shame since the potential for this blog is endless. The content on the site is archived for two years so you can glean a lot about technical writing.

For some, Harry Miller’s Technical Writing Blog probably loses some points for being in limbo, but in my mind that’s offset by the large volume of information available. I feel safe in recommending this since you can learn a great deal from what’s there now.