Tag Archives: routine

Writers: What’s On Your Desk?

lacroixby Catherine L. Tully

I often wonder what other writers have in their “bag of tricks”. By this, I don’t mean the things that they use to make their writing shine. I mean those items that help get them through the workday. The things that put a little pep in your routine and keep you going when the writing gets tough.

Here are a few of mine:

  • + Orange La Croix. This has been a staple of mine for years now, and continues to be a mainstay. Both tasty and calorie-free, it’s the perfect thing to sip on. Well, at least for me. After my initial cup or two of coffee in the morning, I try not to do caffiene unless I really need it.

+ Legal pad and pen. I always keep a yellow legal pad and pen nearby. Sometimes I get ideas that I want to remember to return to during the course of the day. Other times an interview calls–early. There is no substitute for the list either. I’ve tried using my phone or the computer, but prefer to hand-write out my “to do” list for the day. What can I say? I’m old-fashioned.

+ Desk size calendar. Again, I’m a fan of the tangible here. I like to see the entire month at once and large as life on the desk calendar. I tend to think big-picture, so it really helps to have it all at my fingertips. I use colored markers to help keep things organized and easy to reference. (Plus, they’re fun.)

+ Secret stash. Come on. Everybody has one. Mine are “Mike & Ike” candies. I try not to pull these out unless I need a sugar boost, but  there are there–just in case.

What are your “can’t live without” items? I have a pretty tame list compared to a lot of people I know in the field. I tend to not have a lot around me when I’m writing, although I do hang the occasional inspirational photo that I find in a magazine–or a quote that I am particularly fond of….

Anyone else want to share?