Tag Archives: mentor

Be A Mentor–And A Mentee

Joe’s post made me think about how tough this writing game–heck–this life is without a little help. Everyone needs a hand to hold, an ear to listen to themĀ and a person in their corner when things get tough. Mentors are those people. They are hard on you. They give you a chance. They help you out.

Are you someone’s mentor? There is always someone who has less experience than you; even if you are new to writing. Help them out.

But don’t stop there…ask yourself…are you a mentee? Do you have someone above you helping to guide you? Both are valuable. Go for too long as a mentor without the benefit of someone wiser than you and you get cocky. You stop growing.

So I guess this post is an encouragement to be both. Keep learning–and pass it on. You don’t have to go it alone…