Tag Archives: mad men

Everything I Need to Know About Freelancing I Learned From Donald Draper

by Amanda Smyth Connor

If you are a fan of the hit AMC show, Mad Men, then you’ll recognize the following gems that have dripped like honey from the mouth of suave, dark, domineering ad man, Donald Draper. If you aren’t yet a fan of the show, I highly recommend. Aside from the shocking behavior and extremely misogynistic setting, the show has its truly inspirational moments. Below are the quotes that I find apply perfectly to the world of freelancing.

1. “You want some respect? Go out there and get it for yourself.” – Mistakes, bad relationships, burned bridges, missed donald-draperdeadlines: these ghosts will haunt you throughout your career. Give your projects all you’ve got – 100% all the time. Your editors and your clients will come to respect you and trust your work. Getting the next job will become that much easier.

2. “I’m enjoying the story so far, but I have a feeling its not going to end well.” – Know when to cut and run. Know how to self edit. Don’t beat your copy to death. Keep it short, sweet and to the point. Give the client exactly what they want and not one word more.

3. “Just think about it deeply, then forget it…then an idea will jump up in your face.” – Overcoming writer’s block is one of the toughest challenges in a freelancer’s career. Don’t freak out, it will just make things worse. Walk away, think about something else. Read a book, take a walk, sleep. The ideas will find you when they are ready.

4. “I would have my secretary do it, but she’s dead.” – It’s going to be a tough road, but the freelance burden is yours to bear. You don’t get a secretary, you don’t get an assistant. Suck it up. If you survive, it will only make you stronger.

5. “It’s your job. I give you money. You give me ideas.” – You took on the project, you must produce perfection. There is no room for “I just couldn’t come up with good copy” or “I had such and such problem and couldn’t produce the work.” Make it work. No excuses.

Thanks for the inspiration, Don. I owe you a drink.