Tag Archives: intermediate and advanced writers

Diversification Ideas For Writers

Let me ask you a question….

What can you do with your writing skills besides sell articles? Joe has been singing the “diversify” tune for some time now, and I just had to ring in on the subject from my point of view. Beginning writers may find diversification more challenging since they are just trying to get a foothold in the business. Still, it can be done. Think about what you might be able to offer to businesses or web designers; things that are outside your traditional circle of work. Don’t be afraid to take a flyer and see if you can fit somewhere…the worst that can happen is that it won’t work out. Nothing ventured…

Intermediate and advanced writers have many opportunities to diversify. For example-in April I am going to speak to a group of writers in another state. Joe is serving on a panel in New York later this month. There are ways to use what you have learned to make money and widen your net of experience at the same time. Joe and I are going to be teaching a class together on freelance writing in the area in which we live. Not only is this some good extra money, but it will raise our visibility as well.

So think about it…what can you do? Perhaps you want to try your hand at an e-book, or tutor a student in English? Some writers cross over into editing and find they enjoy that as well. There are opportunities all around you. Go ahead–re-invent yourself!