Tag Archives: freelance fears

Freelance Writing Fears


by Catherine L. Tully

Everyone has their own freelance writing fears. Let me tell you my big one. I hate the query process, but when I get a gig, initially I am on top of the world–for about five minutes. I get really excited that I connected, did everything right, and convinced the editor that I could write the piece.

Then I realize that I have to write it.

The period of time between getting the assignment and starting the assignment is a bad one for me. If I can’t get to it right away, I start to get nervous. Granted, things always turn out fine, but the fact that I have basically promised an editor that I can deliver something and haven’t yet started it freaks me out. Once I have something down on paper–I’m fine.

So let’s have it folks…what are your freelance fears? What gets your mind churning and gives you butterflies in the pit of your stomach? Do tell…after all…I put mine out there!