Tag Archives: ethan

What You Can Do To Help…

This is Ethan. He needs two hip replacements to make it in this world and he’s only a year old. Why am I posting this? Because I can….

As a writer you have a unique opportunity to be of help. To use your talents to do some good in this world rather than just coasting by. Just recently I helped an animal shelter in Kentucky win $5,000 by doing what I do best; writing. I wrote to the mayor and posted on a lot of message boards to help them win money in a contest. I know that my skills were used well and it felt great! You see, not everyone can do that. You are special!

The purpose of this post is to ask you to consider what you can do with your talents that is altruistic. To encourage you to reach out and help a cause you believe in. Not only is it a great thing to do, it may even get you more work. Help people out and they tend to try and look out for you. It doesn’t matter what your “cause” is–everyone has something that is near and dear to their heart. Take a few minutes and use your gifts to help out. You’ll be glad you did.

Donations are being accepted for Ethan’s first surgery, and they can even take them online. If you have a few bucks, this boy is deserving.

**We’ve been told that the donations link is having issues, so if you can’t get through on that, you can always send a check to:

The Animal Care League, 1013 Garfield, Oak Park, Illinois 60304 ….and put Ethan’s Fund in the subject line.