Tag Archives: dog blogs

Serious Niche Writing: Ken Foster

Ken Foster is a writer who seems to have cornered his market. Foster loves dogs, and as the author of The Dogs Who Found Me and other titles he proves you can use plenty of ink on subjects which seem to be written to death. If you have a passion for the topic combined with strong writing, you can definitely rise above your peers in a niche littered with inferior material.

Foster is obviously in love with his subject matter. He started the Sula Foundation to encourage responsible pit bull ownership, and he wrote the forward for the dog-themed photo essay book The Dog Who Loved Cheerios and Other Tales of Excess.

For Ken Foster, dogs are much more than cutesy subject matter. He seems to be writing on dogs full-time, and while frustrated in my early-morning search for an About Me section on his various sites, his blog posts indicate seemingly round-the-clock coverage of all things dog-related. He writes and blogs about court cases involving dogs, guests on talk radio programs. . .Foster has the dog beat fully covered.

He is a shining example of someone who has found inventive ways to keep himself getting paid to write about his passions. For new and struggling writers, Foster’s sites could be considered required reading. Here’s an author who maintains multiple websites on the same general topics, working with tireless devotion to both his craft and his subjects. His writing is inspirational because it’s proof that any topic, when covered with skill and ingenuity, can become a major source of material if you have the right level of dedication. I strongly recommend a long look at these sites if you are interested in carving out your own niche in a specialty topic.

And some of us will linger a lot longer over those dog photos than we should, but that’s one of the occupational hazards in this business…you’ll just have to ditch that third coffee break in favor of those doggy faces.