Tag Archives: Cliché

5 Clichés To Avoid In Travel Writing


by Catherine L. Tully

The use of clichés in writing is a big no-no–especially if you make a living as a freelance writer. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not immune–especially in a first draft. Often I will just throw the cliché in if it comes to mind and then find something that works better later on. Still, each type of writing has some that are so overused that they no longer mean anything to the reader. Here are five to avoid in travel writing:

  1. Stunning vista. I see this one everywhere. There are stunning vistas in Italy, France the U.S. and many other countries. What makes one different from another? Strive to describe it better.
  2. Charming. Ug. Everyone knows what it means, but it doesn’t add anything to your description. What is charming about the place? Remember…show, don’t tell.
  3. Nestled. Actually I like this word, but it is dreadfully overused.
  4. Picturesque. Again, you are better off describing what is picturesque about the place rather than just telling readers that it is nice to look at.
  5. Majestic. Often used to describe mountains, this word is just boring. Get out the thesaurus and do a little digging for an alternative.