Article Research

digital-magazine-newsWasn’t it Stephen King who wrote that people with no time to read make lousy writers? I believe it was…and while we are all busy busy, the only way to get a query taken seriously by a print magazine or website is to actually READ the publication before sending.

But when does a busy freelancer find time to explore a new market?

I am a believer in multi-tasking. I think any time spent idle (except behind the wheel) is time you can spend catching up on the latest magazine you need to pitch to–which is why I recommend installing a magazine rack in the bathroom. Let’s face it, people; if you use ALL your idle time wisely you will never have to hesitate before writing that query.

Bathroom reading is a time-honored pastime of Presidents, celebrities and just-plain-folks. Why aren’t you helping yourself by taking advantage of this golden opportunity (sorry) to do market research? Don’t waste (sorry again) another chance to maximize your time. Your next big sale could turn on a few pages flipped while in the restroom.

One thought on “Article Research”

  1. Ha! Love it! So this is what my husband is up to in there for so long – he’s preparing to query magazines.

    And, come to think of it, the father of my high school boyfriend must have been getting ready to query Playboy. It all makes sense now.

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