Tag Archives: swiss-army knif

Leatherman Skeletool


The Leatherman Skeletool is an amazing pocket-sized tool I find myself needing more often than not. The knife is especially handy for fast-stripping plastic wrap and packaging of replacement SD cards and tapes when I’m out in the field shooting pictures and video. The Skeletool also has pliers and a wire cutter, bottle opener, a universal bit driver, and much more. The belt clip makes this easy to find on those field assignments, and when I am setting up a gallery to hang my photos for an art showing or installation, I’ve found a Leatherman quite indispensible.

A lot of people associate Leatherman prodcuts with building and construction needs, but as an around-the-house all-purpose tool, they can’t be beat. Especially when you’re a non-handyman type like me.

Buy the Leatherman Skeletool for $79.85