Goodbye Beanbag Chair–Hello Lovesac!


No–I’m not being dirty–I swear! I first heard of Lovesac when I watched that “Apprentice” knock off show with Sir Richard Branson, and I thought they were awesome right off the bat. Even though I don’t yet own one, I had to feature them here because they are the perfect “chair” to kick back in with a book and relax the day away–something writers just love to do! There are a variety of sizes and colors, and they resemble the beanbag chair of old, but with a new, fresh look. You’ll be tempted, beleive me–this is something still on my wish list!

Still not sure? How ’bout a trip to Texas in March for the opening of the Inwood Theatre which will feature Lovesac furniture? It’s a good excuse for a vacation, and perhaps you can even write about it….