Tag Archives: interview how to

5 Strategies to Use When the Interview Goes Sour

freelance writing interviewYou’ve got a good assignment on a tight deadline and need a crucial interview to go well. Your article depends on getting a set of quotes from one person and wouldn’t you know it, that one person turns out to be stubborn, un-cooperative, or just plain inarticulate.

What is a freelance writer to do in this situation?

Here’s how I handle it–my own personal secret freelance writing tactics for salvaging the unsalvagable:

1. Ask specific questions. If you can’t get the right answer by asking “Tell me about the history of your company,” ask something more detailed. “How did you launch your company? What were your first-year challenges?”

2. Ask the same question in a different way. Didn’t get enough detail when you asked, “What’s the secret of your success?” Try asking, “What do you think is your most important accomplishment and how did you make it happen?”

3. Paraphrase the clumsy stuff, and keep only the best part of the quote. When you get a quote that’s only half usable, paraphrase the rotten part and use only the strongest material.

4. When an interviewee is using too much jargon, tell them to explain what they just said for a newbie or beginner…tell them you want to be able to explain the details to the uninitiated. Continue reading 5 Strategies to Use When the Interview Goes Sour