Freelance Writing Secrets: The Road Less Traveled

quietby Catherine L. Tully

Guess what? I don’t look for markets in the typical places. And guess what else? It really pays off. I’m here to tell you one of the tricks of the trade…you have to go off the map. Instead of looking for markets and guidelines in the usual places, broaden your search. Google is a wonderful tool for this. Just type in “writers guidelines” along with a keyword and boom … a list of things to investigate. For example, since I write about dance, I would use that (or variations of that, such as dancer, dancing, etc.) as the keyword. It’s a simple tip, but one that brings work. Give it a try and see what happens…

4 thoughts on “Freelance Writing Secrets: The Road Less Traveled”

  1. I have “The Road Less Traveled” on my wall and it was a gift from my husband for an anniversary long, long ago. Following the worn path usually means having to deal with more traffic and finding fewer opportunities.

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