Tag Archives: writing difficulties

Getting Unstuck as a Writer

delonghi-espresso-makerby Joe Wallace

Need some figurative caffeine? Are you feeling stuck on the page, unable to write another line because your brain hurts, the inspiration is gone, and chances are you’ve been slaving away on a project far too long?

Before you stick your head in a vise, try a few of these little tricks I use to get unstuck long enough to wrap up another segment of the writing project you’re slogging away on:

Turn your last idea inside out. Are you writing about trying to succeed at something? Turn your idea on its head and write about failure for a few paragraphs. If you’re writing history, try a flight of fancy–speculate about something that might have happened had things turned out differently.

Be negative. It doesn’t have to be negativity per se, actually. Invoke a strong emotion you haven’t used lately. Get worked up, put some energy into the piece.

Abuse some substances…slightly. Sugar, caffeine, peanut butter, a glass of Chardonnay in the middle of the morning, whatever it takes to get your brain moving in a slightly different direction. Don’t overdo it on any of these, just prod yourself a little.

Contradict your last paragraph. Take the devil’s advocate point of view for a few lines and see what happens.

Change the subject. Anytime you hit a creative roadblock, try just changing topics, locations, anything. Or ditch the section you’re on and start a section ahead and revisit the old one tomorrow.

Say something outrageous. Then either disprove it or back it up.

One of these tricks will grease the gears and get the old brainbox humming again. If not, I guarantee double your money back. What’s that? You haven’t paid? Step this way, please…