Tag Archives: writing ahead

Scheduling Blog Posts: Make It A Habit

Catherine L. Tullyby Catherine L. Tully

I’m writing this post on December 18th.

Why am I telling you this? Because this is a perfect example of what this post is all about–getting in the habit of working ahead. I am in the process of doing all my posts for the remainder of 2010.

Does that seem like cheating?

Actually, for me, and for many writers, writing a few posts at a time is actually easier. If you are relatively new to blogging, this can be something that will help you find your voice a bit easier. When you sit down to write a few posts, you usually get into the groove better and can run with things a bit.

Sometimes one post may even give you an idea for another. Why not write it right then and there? You can always schedule the post for a later date, or save it as a draft and come back later to fine-tune. It’s a good habit to get into–and I’m here to tell you–it feels good to have things done ahead of time!

I’m curious–how many of you write a few blog posts at a time?