Tag Archives: weights

Writers: Get Active

weightsby Catherine L. Tully

I know. You probably won’t want to see this. But as a writer, you really do need to read on. Unless you plan some activity into your lifestyle, chances are good that the weight will creep up on you, and, eventually, your health will start to suffer. The New Year is as good a time as any to add a little exercise to your routine.

If you don’t own some hand weights (see left), why not get a pair? They are a great tool that you can use when you are taking a break between queries. Find some stretching exercises and bookmark them on the internet. Plan to take walking breaks–and then stick to it. If you can loop some activity into your day and start making it a part of your writing routine, you’ll be feeling better all the way around. Do it now. You’ll thank yourself down the line. I guarantee it.