Tag Archives: recycling

Top Ten Uses For Rejection Letters

Rejection letters are great, aren’t they? I remember getting one from the Slamdance Film Festival for a short subject film submission I sent way back in 2002. Now that’s a strange one to write about in context of freelance writing, but it was one of the first rejection letters I actually put up as a badge of pride. “See? I TRIED!”

It stayed on my refrigerator for two years. Then one day I spilled some coffee and I looked at that damn thing and decided that its time had come, especially since I had just run out of paper towels.

But there are actually plenty of uses for rejection letters besides the obvious. If you are struggling, maybe a little discouraged and fed up with all the trees being killed to tell you that you aren’t wanted at Publication X Inc, try these cathartic recycling methods to put those rejection slips to good use.

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