Tag Archives: John Irving

Writers: Who Has Shaped You?

by Catherine L. Tully

I’ve been reflecting lately on a subject I’d like to toss out there to Freelance-Zone readers…

Catherine L. TullyI’ve been thinking about who has influenced me and helped shape me as a writer. Much as we model ourselves after those we admire in life, we often start out in this field modeling ourselves after writers we enjoy. I know that I have picked up a few things from authors such as Kurt Vonnegut Jr., T.S. Eliot, William Butler Yeats and John Irving, to name a few. I love the way that they can effortlessly turn a phrase, or the way they use words to elicit sarcasm or give a dramatic impact.

Yet…I don’t read as much as I used to, and I’m finding that more recently I draw inspiration from the people in my life. I just wrote a piece for a lifestyle magazine that talked about a childhood memory–spending time with my Dad looking at old buildings in the town where I grew up. The sense of connection with those you love can be every bit as inspiring as the best book you have ever read.

And it’s real.

I’ve found my “voice” has matured over the years to include a myriad of other voices, and I think this has helped give depth to my writing. Interestingly, it isn’t just those I am close to that impact me. As a writer I find that sometimes a complete stranger will use a phrase that gets stuck in my head–or I’ll see a quality in someone I don’t know very well that makes me feel thankful that there is some good left out there in the world…

I’m sure it is different for everyone, but the one thing that I know is you have to leave yourself open to inspiration. It doesn’t matter if the words that reach you come from a book, a bumper sticker or your closest friend as long as you continue to grow and develop your voice as a writer. Up until this point in my career I have given this process precious little thought. Upon reflection, I’m amazed at how much others have impacted the things I write–as well as the way they are written.

I’m curious–who has helped shape you as a writer–and where does your voice come from?

You know what makes me tick…now let’s hear from you…

Favorite Books

Facebook has a thing going about favorite books and I thought I’d share my list here for FZ readers. Feel free to chime in with some of yours.
In no particular order…

1. The Things They Carried (Tim O’Brien)

2. Love In The Time Of Cholera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

3. Whoever Fights Monsters (Robert K. Ressler)

4. Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy)

5. The Road Less Traveled (M. Scott Peck)

6. One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)

7. The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein)

8. On Writing (Stephen King)

9. A Prayer For Owen Meany (John Irving)

10. An Air That Kills (Andrew Schneider, David McCumber)

11. The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka)

12. Into Thin Air (Jon Krakauer)

13. The Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition (Caroline Alexander)

14. The Hot House: Life Inside Leavenworth Prison (Pete Earley)

15. A Walk In The Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail (Bill Bryson)