Tag Archives: get freelance writing jobs

Transparency: How Does FZ Find Its Freelance Writing Jobs?

get freelance jobsby Joe Wallace

In recent weeks there’s been a bit of discussion on a variety of freelance writing blogs about writing jobs, scraping, controversy, and what pays and what doesn’t. I thought I would give a bit of behind-the-scenes insight into how we find freelance jobs and what makes our process “unique”.

Truth be told, there’s nothing unique about it. I simply hunt for freelance jobs the way I would if I were actively searching for work. When I find a freelance job on another freelance writing site, I link to that site rather than post the contact information directly. Ditto for when I find a freelance gig lurking on one of the talent agencies. I also find my jobs directly–USAJobs.com, for example, is the government job portal for people looking at Civil Service and related positions–and yes there ARE writing jobs listed there occasionally. Continue reading Transparency: How Does FZ Find Its Freelance Writing Jobs?