Tag Archives: freelance fact check

Why Experienced Writers Don’t Allow Interviewees to Review Their Work

find freelance jobs background checkA lot of less-experienced writers make a common mistake–they offer to let an interviewee see their article before submitting it to the editor. This isn’t just bad form (I’ll explain in a moment why), it can make you blow your deadline.

Inexperienced writers who give in to an interviewee’s request to see the article give themselves away as being inexperienced. People used to dealing with the media know very well that we do NOT turn our work over to non-writers to be edited for any reason.

Invariably, the work you turn in to these wanna-be editors comes back horribly mangled–bad grammar, self-serving re-writes, bad copy all around. You will NEVER get good things back from one of these misguided attempts at “accuracy”. Continue reading Why Experienced Writers Don’t Allow Interviewees to Review Their Work