Using the New Facebook Timeline to Make Mo’ Money

By Amanda Smyth Connor

Surely you’ve heard about the new Facebook Timeline Structure – and if you haven’t, you’re soon in for a surprise when your profile

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is forcibly switched to the new structure in the near future.

How do I feel about the new Facebook Timeline? I freaking LOVE IT! And that’s an understatement.

Sure, sure. We all hate change. I get it. “But I love my Facebook just the way it is! Boo modern advances in technology!” I would argue that if you’re feeling this way, you haven’t yet fully grasped the epic awesomeness that is this new timeline feature and all of the amazing ways that Facebook can make you look good and score you mo’ business. That’s right, I said MO’ BUSINESS.

1:  Regardless of whether you have a business page set up for yourself or you use Facebook as a personal profile, you should begin thinking of your Facebook page as a living resume.

2: Choose a cover photo that is professional and engaging. Check out what Dove is doing in the inset image – they have attracted customers to their page by humanizing their company. For other great examples of companies who are engaging their core customer base, check out Coca Cola, Old Spice and Starbucks on Facebook. They are using cover images that attract a specific customer base, so in presenting yourself as a dynamic freelance writer, don’t think “small business,” think “What would Starbucks do?” – Answer: They would utilize an engaging cover image that makes people want to use their services.

3. Set up your new timeline to emphasize amazing milestones in your career. I’m going to use a unique Facebook page as an example of how to do this – Carmen Sandiego (I run this Facebook page – self promotion!)  If you click on any date on the timeline listed on the right hand side of the screen, you can see Carmen’s “career milestones.” You should consider setting up your profile to reflect your education (1990 – Graduated from Blank University with a degree in Journalism and Creative Writing,) career highlights (1993 – hired to work as Staff Writer for Blank Magazine – published 30 feature length articles (and add a photo of a clipping)) and major milestones (2003 – Opened the doors to “Blank Freelance Business” where I have written over 200 blogs, features, etc for 50 clients, including Blank, Blank and Blank) and include an engaging photo or image that best captures your work.

4. Highlight Top Status Updates: Once you have added a great status update to your profile, consider “Highlighting” it by clicking the Star icon in the upper right hand corner of the status update. This will increase the physical size of your status update and will draw visitors eyes to it quickly once they reach your page. Are you accepting new clients now? Let people know and make sure you highlight that update!

For more info on getting the most out of Facebook Timelines, check out this great webinar from Social Candy that shows you what you might be missing.

Amanda Smyth Connor is a social media strategist for a one of the biggest publishing companies in the country and has managed online communities and content development for many start-up and Fortune 500 companies.  She has been a professional editor for more years than she can remember.