Can You Reach the Right People via Social Media?

by Helen Gallagher

You might think being on blogs, Facebook and Twitter gives you enough exposure for your professional profile. But what if your desired reader or client isn’t out there?


Numerous studies show that men and women have differing online habits. While this may seem obvious, it is important if you’re counting on people finding you online and hiring you to work with/for them.

Examples from recent news items in The Atlantic and Christian Science Monitor:

— Fewer men use social media, and they are dramatically less likely to log on everyday.
— Men spend 28 percent less of their online time on social networks than women.
— Males don’t “Like” brands, update their status, or comment on others’ pictures as frequently as women.
— Women view social networks as a way to connect with family, friends, and co-workers. Men do not.

So, before wasting time on social media, hoping to reach the right contacts, consider spending more time reading up on sites that share meaningful industry-specific content. In other words, go where your clients are. Ideas include:, and for business contacts industry-specific groups for journalists and media industry news

And, don’t overlook traditional trade magazines. (See  Whether your client works in insurance, housewares or transportation, you’ll keep up with industry news, and be ready to talk business the next time the client contacts you for a freelance assignment.

Helen Gallagher blogs at to share her thoughts on small business and technology. She writes about, coaches and speaks on publishing. Her blogs and books are accessible through

2 thoughts on “Can You Reach the Right People via Social Media?”

  1. This article makes a point that I have not previously considered: that women are more conscientious about social networking than men are.

    If this is true and if social media is as relevant to building a freelance business as the experts would have us believe, then women freelancers should be growing ever more successful relative to men.

    Is this the case?


  2. Good point, Diana.
    In fact, though, most research on writers in general, not specifically freelance, is that there are more male writers than female, generation after generation.

    Come back on Monday, October 1st, and I will share the research findings. Then, lets find ways to shift the balance.


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