Write Like An Olympian

swimThe drive, perseverance, and sheer determination!

Our jobs are so much easier than the Olympic athletes, yet we sometimes stop trying, quit too soon, or get in our own way. Lets use the examples of Gabby Douglas, who planned for her Olympic success since age 12, and the determination of the 16-year-old from Saudi Arabia who put herself out there to win, but lost the judo match in a mere 82 seconds. And of course, Mark Spitz now needs an extra suitcase to bring all his medals home – an Olympic record of 20 medals and counting.

There is no Freelancers Olympics, but we still show up to do our work. But you have to wonder what successes we could achieve if we really tried to push the boundaries, went for the gold… broke the limits, and WON.

It’s Monday: Go update your blog, tweet about something good in the world, then get back to work and surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.