TweetMyJobs Changes the Game

twitter for writers

Freelance job sites like eLance and other for-a-fee providers, quake in your boots. TweetMyJobs has just changed your landscape probably forever with what its marketing hype calls “the largest Twitter job board in the world”. Pretty bold stuff for a company that didn’t exist this time last year, but that’s how things move in the Twitter world–it wasn’t three years ago Twitter wasn’t even a player in the game, now they rule a massive chunk of the online market.

I used TweetMyJobs for the first time yesterday to see what the fuss was about, and I can tell you that the for-pay sites are in trouble. Subscriber-based job sites have reached the end of their usefulness thanks to TweetMyJobs, and unless this fails to catch on with the folks posting the jobs themselves, FREElance is about to be FREE once again.

Sites like TweetMyJobs might not completely replace the Craigslist scraper sites–I predict many will start scraping/copy-pasting TweetMyJobs as well, but the speed and ubiquity of Twitter makes the scrapers irrelevant too if employers make a big shift to Twitter.

That’s an “if” I am willing to bet happens in a big way.