The Great Experiment

freelance jobs

by Joe Wallace

The world of freelance blogs is completely saturated with jobs and market listings. But recent developments at Freelance Writing Gigs proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that in spite of the overwhelming amount of job and market info out there, the demand for news about writing jobs and freelance markets is huge.

There was a tempest in a teapot over at Freelance Writing Gigs over Deb Ng’s post on The Freelance Writing Jobs Network titled 50 Places That Hire Freelance Writers. Someone posted a needlessly bitter comment about Deb’s post and a flurry of replies later, it’s clear people want more, more, more market and job info–even with all the sites out there hurling job data and contact info day to day.

At, we like a challenge. And so we join the fray. Watch this space for information on freelance gigs, markets and much more. We’ll be looking for strong, relevant writing gigs and market information. Not all of the posts will be freelance gigs–some are permanent writing positions, some are contract, some might start off being contract/temporary with the potential to go full time.

One thing I can promise you right now–our information will be much different. We DO NOT use RSS feeds or site scrapers to dig up our job information. Freelance-Zone will present HAND-PICKED JOBS and freelance writing gigs.

In our view it is far too easy to offer up a daily list of Craigslist posts and leave it at that. Will the OCCASIONAL Craigslist freelance writing job make it into these pages? MAYBE. But only if it meets my strict criteria for a quality freelance writing job or project. By and large, there will be no Craigslist ads here. Everybody else is already running them.

Besides, I have my own sources and contacts. Keep watching this space, friends.

3 thoughts on “The Great Experiment”

  1. Please make sure that you only present jobs that I will find worthy. If you fail, I will come in here and cry and moan that you are stupid. Food stamps don’t pay for cigarettes, Joe.

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