Stepping Stones: Getting Clips 101

Joe gave a nice introduction to this “stepping stones” series in his previous post. When I first started, it was the age-old dilemma of getting jobs with no clips and not knowing how to get a clip in the first place. I just never mentioned the fact that I hadn’t been published before in my queries. BOOM. I Landed Boys’ Life.

It was the first query I ever sent out. This is not a normal situation, so I’ll talk a bit more about what else I did to get clips–and what I have heard suggested by other seasoned writers. The key is to get something in print that is really good; no matter how small the publication is. Write for your local paper. Check and see if there are any regional magazines in your area that you might be able to contribute to. Believe it or not–travel pieces about where you live could be a great way to get something in print. After all–you are an expert!

Writing about what you know is a great way to break in. I have a 35 year dance background. So what did I do? Looked for dance magazines and queried based on my experience. BOOM. Dance Teacher and Dance Spirit both bit. Ask yourself the following:

  • What have I done for a living?
  • What have my family/friends done for a living?
  • What are hobbies that I am passionate about?
  • Are there any ‘parenting gems’ I can pass along?
  • What is interesting about the place I live?
  • What magazines do I read on a regular basis?

These questions can help reveal opportunities for breaking into a publication and getting a coveted “clip”. When I began writing, I took parenting ideas that my mom and dad used on me and sold them to magazines. I wrote about my home town and got a travel slot in a national arts publication because I knew all the “inside” spots. I wrote about martial arts–a serious hobby of mine. The “go with what you know” advice does in fact ring true.

The Boys’ Life article was about setting up a fish tank — something I had recently done with my husband. All the information was still fresh, so I thought about where I might be able to send a query on the subject. What are you involved in now? Is it saleable? Don’t be too quick to dismiss those things that are right in front of you. In my opinion–they give you the best shot at being published. You can speak about them with confidence and it will shine through despite your lack of writing cred.

Go for it! If you need clips, make a list today of those things on the question list above. Take a step back and see which things “speak” to you. Then grab a copy of Writer’s Market or search online for magazines that fit your subject matter. It’s a great start.

More to come………